Okay. You’ve gotten your results, found meaning by analyzing the data and having conversations with your caregivers, and your caregivers have helped to inform the action plans that will be implemented in 2022. Now what?
Now, it’s all about making it a habit!
You’ll want to do the following:
- Proactively monitor progress on your action plans and make adjustments as needed to ensure the objectives are met. Ask yourself what adjustments need to be made (time, scope, resources, etc.), what opportunities are available to build on successes, and what opportunities for recognition are available?
- Plan for effective communication! Effective communications ensure all caregivers are aware of the plan, progress, impacts, and how to be involved. You’ll want to communicate status visibly and reliably and talk about all the news – not just the “good’ stuff. Build talking about caregiver experience and actions plans into your regular cadence of meetings/agendas.
- Build and sustain momentum. Create a regular practice of planning, accomplishing, and celebrating! Keep a visual display of team actions and successes and adapt in response to new data or changes in the situation. Motivate your team by acknowledging all efforts, large or small, involving everyone on the team with specific actions they can contribute, and using setbacks as learning opportunities.
Remember, caregiver experience is not just an “annual compliance” activity, but a year-long “learning and improving” activity and conversation. By making your actions and commitment up front and visible to your caregivers you are setting your team up for a successful caregiver experience.
More info and support
Visit the IS & RESO Caregiver Experience resource site.
Please contact Jennee’ Pool, program manager, IS & RESO Caregiver Experience.