Caregiver Experience Survey Coming Your Way

It remains important to hear your voice and the voices of all caregivers, especially during a year of challenges like 2022. Hearing all voices helps Providence make better decisions on what to improve and what not to change.

  • For those in the U.S., the annual Caregiver Experience Survey will be open October 5-19.
  • For those in India, the annual Caregiver Experience Survey will be open October 12-31.
  • The survey will take ~15 minutes and all feedback and comments are anonymous.
  • An email will come from on October 5/October 12. Having the email come from Willis Towers Watson is deliberate to ensure confidentiality.

Each of you are encouraged to participate in this year’s survey. Only by getting everyone’s open and honest thoughts – in good times and hard times – can we build a better overall experience.  

Survey results will be shared with core leaders mid-November. 

You are appreciated. You are valued. Thank you for all you do in support of our Mission, our caregivers and each other.