I hope that you all enjoyed a restful extended Independence Day Weekend with your families.
Thanks to the over 1,700 caregivers who joined us on Tuesday’s IS Open Forum, as well as those who took part in our June 16 Open Forum, where we had an important conversation about how IS can contribute to a more just and inclusive society. I very much appreciate the dialogue, the passionate and informative Yammer discussion, and the emails I receive from across our IS team.
I’m glad we got to spend some time on our Tuesday live event honoring our three IS caregiver nominees, Martin, Kathy, and Terry, for the PSJH Values in Action award. I was part of the Teams virtual ceremony recognizing them and our 30 other honorees across Shared Services with Sister Susanne, Chief Mission Officer and EVP, Dougal Hewitt, and many of our leaders. I’m proud of the way these three—and all of us—represent the PSJH Mission in our daily work. I encourage you to nominate caregivers you work with who exemplify our Values, as the nominating cycle opens for another year.
Also, as I mentioned on Open Forum, IS continues to shine, winning another quarterly Team category honor for our CFO Awards organization. Congratulations again to our 370 IS Q2 CFO honorees, who helped us with our COVID-19 surge – just a sampling of the hard work across our entire 3,000-caregiver team, I know.
As Ivette de Rubens shared on the call, we want to ensure all of you are working with your core leaders to find that bonus “appreciation Friday” of PTO to take off this month or next. It’s so critical we’re taking our earned time off during these challenging times to recharge.
We’ll talk again on August 11, ahead of our August 18 IS Virtual Summer Socials. I’m looking forward to what our committee is planning and how we can keep creatively stretching the limits of online collaboration and fun together using Teams.
Until then, keep up the great work, stay safe, and enjoy the warm weather!