Supporting our System Through COVID-19

Great to have so many of us able to join last Thursday’s IS Open Forum — over 1,200 participating! We also had strong attendance of over 740 for the first-ever quarterly Patent Process Informational Session. I appreciate how engaged our team remains with trying to stay on the same page and supporting our efforts to be a hub of innovation.

At the start of Open Forum, our CMIO and SVP of Clinical Informatics & Strategy Partners, Dr. Marino, offered a great reflection that I felt was very grounding about the swirl of developing information around the COVID-19 situation. He put it into a reassuring clinical perspective, as well as urged us to tap into grace during this uncertain time.

In this edition of IS Update, I want to make sure you see the re-run of my March 4 memo to all of IS, reinforcing our system-wide restriction on non-essential travel.

On the Open Forum call I also encouraged us to reduce unnecessary meetings and email communication with our busy clinical caregiver counterparts at the frontline of dealing with this enormous stress on our health system.

Please follow the daily COVID-19 updates the system sends to us every day, as the situation continues to evolve. I want to protect our team, so we can continue supporting the critical community care our frontline caregivers are providing.

We have received great feedback about the Modern Workplace tools now in the hands of over 105,000 caregivers, as we rely increasingly on remote work and virtual meetings. Teams and SharePoint online also power our IS COVID-19 Command Center and our system updates page, and have been applauded as very flexible, powerful tools for our system communicators and situation managers.

Thank you for all you’re doing to support our communities as this situation continues to unfold. Please follow all the guidance being shared for staying safe and healthy at both work and at home.
