Sharing Our High Value Work

As I said on our IS Open Forum last Friday, I hope everyone is taking advantage of at least a few moments of summer relaxation with their families in the midst of what I know is a busy period of IS change and transformation in many corners.

Once again, our Aug. 9 Open Forum had tremendous participation from almost 2,000 caregivers on our IS team and my exec team and I fielded some great questions.

I’ve also had the opportunity to begin sharing our IS focus on Simplifying, Innovating and Modernizing to advance our PSJH strategy of Health 2.0, including how our Microsoft strategic alliance will accelerate our transformation and provide a standard set of world-class tools for our caregivers. Work was underway earlier this week with Ryan Klein’s organization, IS communications, and our Microsoft partners meeting in Orangewood to look at how we’re going to better share the value and potential of these exciting tools with our caregivers, both knowledge workers like in Shared Services, and in the clinical roles as we continue that rollout.

On Aug. 9, Frances Chao and I welcomed our Oracle partners to the Renton campus to shoot a video sharing a bit about our selection of the Oracle ERP solution, our upcoming ERP journey, and even a bit about our careers in IT. It also was a great way to showcase IS and will hopefully “look cool” for prospective IS talent thinking of joining us. We should be able to share the final product in the coming months.

I encourage all of IS to check out the July 31 PSJH Core Leader Forum that I was invited to present at for Irvine- and Renton-based core leaders via webcast. Core leaders in all functions of PSJH, across regions, have now had the opportunity to see the recording via our system core leader newsletters. For our own IS organization, I want to make sure that every level has the opportunity to hear the story that I, alongside our other IS leaders, am sharing across PSJH. We need to continue explaining to our partners and customers the overarching value of all the investments of our time and energy, and how they are connected to the various pieces of information they learn as they are migrated to new tools.

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and I look forward to connecting again on our September 3 IS Open Forum. In the meantime, let’s stay connected on our IS Open Forum Yammer group!
