The system had a 72% response rate with 75,291 responses. Overall, IS & RESO (including PGC) had an 83% response rate (IS – 85%, RESO – 78%, and PGC – 91%) with a total of 5,431 responses. This is a great response rate and we want to thank everyone who took the time to provide their feedback!
The IS & RESO results are still being analyzed and will be shared in next week’s Open Forum, but we can share some high-level system highlights with you.
Our strengths across the system indicate that compassionate care remains high, caregivers feel valued and respected, supervisor effectiveness is strong, caregivers see support for growth and development, and caregivers personally identify with the Mission (although fewer see work being delivered consistent with the Mission and values).
Across the system we did see a decline in numbers this year, with fewer caregivers being “highly engaged,” fewer caregivers intending to stay, trust and confidence in senior leadership has declined, perceptions of pay and benefits have declined, and burnout and staffing adequacy concerns continue to persist.
Highly engaged declined across the system from 50% to 45% and indicators show that our enablement and energy scores decreased, and new hires are less engaged relative to the system than they were in 2021.
Amongst our core leaders across the system, there are significant declines in Highly Engaged and Intent to Stay – though scores are strong relative to norms, and there is an increase in the Unsupported segment. Our opportunities across the system for this demographic are senior leadership communication and confidence in future, workload and stress management.
Among our virtual workforce across the system, there are good but declining Engagement and Intent to Stay scores with an increase in the Disengaged segment. Our opportunities across the system in this space are senior leadership communication, trust and confidence, opportunity to advance, and belonging, and benefits.
There is a technical issue currently being experienced by Willis Towers Watson which has delayed core leaders receiving access. This is actively being worked on by Willis Towers and Watson and we’ll provide an update when the issue is resolved and core leader access emails resume going out in batches.
Please be on the lookout for team results to be shared by core leaders in the next few weeks and your core leaders will be initiating conversations with you to find meaning and context for the results so that you can begin identifying areas of opportunity and strength and create your 2023 action plans.
Thank you again for your patience as we work through the scheduling and technical issues!