Core Leaders: January Action Planning

December was all about Making Sense of your Caregiver Experience Survey Numbers and January is all about Caregiver Experience Survey Action Planning. 

When action planning, core leaders will want to engage their teams to prioritize opportunity areas and create a plan for action. A prioritized list of topics for each item will be created and then action plans for each topic will be identified, as well as a communication plan for results. Teams will want to think about what has been working well for the team and should be continued on into the new year and how the action plan they are putting together will positively impact caregiver experience and business outcomes.     

What to consider when putting action plans together 

  • Caregiver-driven: Frontline caregivers should be engaged in action planning to improve engagement and project outcomes. 
  • Sphere of influence: Teams will want to choose items that they have control and influence over, so as to enable success. 
  • Effort and Impact: Consider the effort and impact. Ideally, teams will be able to identify some high-impact/low-effort big wins. 

Key elements to an action plan

  1. What will be done? Define specific tasks in behavioral terms.
  2. Who will do it? Build accountability into objectives.
  3. When will it be done? Evaluate and estimate timeframe.
  4. Which resources are required? Consider allocation of staff, materials, or money.
  5. How is success identified? Define indicators that the goal has been achieved.

Action planning pitfalls to avoid

  • Analysis paralysis
  • Loss of momentum
  • Unclear follow-up process
  • Promising too much
  • Failure to review progress
  • Lack of accountability
  • Becomes “One more HR thing to do”

Your action plans will set your team up for success and improved caregiver experience throughout the year. 

Once your action plans have been created, the next step will be all about making it a habit where you implement and monitor the status and provide feedback on the action plans you’ve put together as a team.


Please reach out Jennee’ Pool, program manager, IS & RESO Caregiver Experience.