We had over 2,000 caregivers join our Tuesday, October 6 Open Forum.
Caregiver questions were addressed on our Open Forum Yammer group.
In case you missed it, we shared the following:
- CFO Award Winners & Nominess for Q 2020.
- A reminder about the October 7-21 Caregiver Experience Survey from Doug Lewis, HR leadership, and the IS Caregiver Experience Committee.
- An update on our continued guidance work remote where possible and an update on the opening of our Redmond Juntion at Bear Creek IS Center of Excellence office site on the Eastside of the Seatte Area, and guidelines about how to safely use the facility if necessary.
- An update on our partnership with the Year Up program, welcoming our five new interns.
- A preview of our IS & RESO Christmas event.
- A look at our journey with Epic over the past decade, as we celebrate the 10th “Epic-versary” of the Alaska go-live.
- An update on Modern Workplace, including a reminder about the training resources on our OneTeam portal, our new ReadyTECH hardware offering, and what to expect from the upcoming migration to SharePoint Online.
How to view the recording: You no longer need to wait for a link on Yammer or IS Update to re-watch IS Open Forums. Within an hour of a recording, you can re-watch past Open Forums.
Follow these steps:
- Go into the meeting invite for a past Open Forum
- Click into the link to the Teams live event
- When it pops open your browser window, click “View on the web”
- Click to “Join anonymously”
The recording should start playing for you immediately. (Will only work in “live events” like Open Forum.)