Welcome to the IS Family, Information Security!

In March, we shared a new model for how IS and the Information Security organization of Risk & Integrity Services were realigning teams and resources to best defend PSJH against cybersecurity threats. In the last six weeks, the Information Security model has evolved again, with Interim Chief Information Security Officer and VP Lenny Levy now reporting directly to B.J. Moore, our CIO and IS EVP.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to learn more about the changes and the team’s priorities for 2019.

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View our March 21 Open Forum Recording

Our Open Forum on March 21 had some solid content and really great caregivers questions. After an inspiring reflection from Dr. Marino, we received executive updates on regional support model changes and Epic key milestones for 2019 and beyond from Tabitha Lieberman. We fielded questions touching on everything from recent org changes, how IS might help battle mental health and substance abuse, recent articles in the news debating EHR, blockchain, PaaS vs. serverless, moving more of our data centers to the cloud, and how IS can create space for innovation and exploration, beyond our reactive/implementation role… We also heard an inspiring story of Mission service from one of our IS caregivers who participated in the recent Guatemala volunteering trip in conjunction with Providence Global Partnerships.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to find the link to the March 21 recording.

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MDM and MaaS… WTH?! Learn the new ways we’re managing mobility!

The TEO Desktop and Mobile Engineering team of IS is hard at work on the next generation of mobile device management (MDM) that will allow our entire PSJH organization to more securely and compliantly utilize mobile devices, like iPhones and iPads. This involves a unified approach to endpoint management and new cloud-based tools that move management of our end points to a “mobility as a service” (MaaS) approach.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to learn how we’re moving from a patchwork of solutions to a shared IBM MaaS approach across all of PSJH.

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A Vision of Our Future is Taking Shape

Learning the complexities of PSJH, let alone the healthcare space, is a lifetime learning curve. I’m finally beginning to learn enough, however, to shape a perspective on how we might structure ourselves and move forward as an IS organization. I now have a sketch of a structure to best support PSJH, sustain our Mission in an environment where the business and technology of healthcare is evolving quickly, and deliver a stable, high-reliability experience for our caregivers and patients.

Today, IS is what you’d call a traditionally “horizontally-structured” IT organization. We have established centers of excellence and strength in all the traditional healthcare IT spaces — EHR, traditional infrastructure, informatics, etc. However, now, in order to support the agility of the business changes we are seeing to the healthcare model, we’re needing to “think vertically,” aligning to support strategic areas of the PSJH business. This will mean exciting new IS teams we’re thinking about how to build that will support Ambulatory/Physician Enterprise, genomics, population health, and other critical and emerging areas in a more dedicated way with deeper expertise.

> Read the rest of B.J.’s note, including his initial thoughts on how IS can restructure to best support PSJH, by clicking his graphic or the title.

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SJH Prepares for Epic Implementation and Transition of Meditech Support to Engage Vendor

With St. Joseph Health’s EHR assessment complete and pre-work beginning for the Southern California Epic implementation kick-off in January 2020, Meditech support teams are transitioning to enable them to support Epic and interim support of Meditech is moving to Engage, a vendor partner. We’re also drastically scaling back our Meditech optimization hours.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to read the memo from CMIO and SVP of Clinical Informations & IS Strategic Partners, Michael Marino, DO, from April 8.

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