Next Open Forum Scheduled for Aug. 9

Our last IS Open Forum on June 27 had over 1,200 participants (even with our production hiccups!) again utilizing our Microsoft Teams live events platform and direct Yammer Q&A. We presented and fielded caregiver Q&A on a range of topics including Adam Dial sharing results of our spring Caregiver Engagement Regional Trends survey, kudos and early successes around our recent Swedish Epic upgrade/instance alignment, more about our acquisition of Bluetree, and the recent site scouting trip to Hyderabad, India.

Our next Open Forum with B.J. and the executive leadership will take place Friday, August 9, at 11:00 a.m. (PT). We’ll plan on hearing more about our recently-announced strategic partnership with Microsoft and our IS plans for embracing Microsoft PaaS as our Modern Workplace solution. The invite recently went to all IS caregivers from CIO B.J. Moore. We hope you can join.

> In the meantime, click into the article headline or graphic for more, including the June 27 Open Forum recording and the link to our Open Forum Yammer group.

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David Endicott Departure Announced

On July 1, 2019, CIO and IS EVP B.J. Moore and CTO and SVP of TEO David Endicott shared the announcement of David’s upcoming departure from Providence St. Joseph Health.

David remains actively involved in transitioning TEO teams through mid-August. We anticipate holding a cake reception to honor his contributions and send him off with our best wishes sometime the week of August 5. Renton and King County-based IS caregivers should see an invite going out in the coming days for this gathering.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to see the complete announcement from B.J.

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PSJH and Microsoft Join Forces

On Monday, Providence St. Joseph Health and Microsoft jointly announced a multi-year strategic alliance to accelerate the digital transformation of health care. It’s been getting a lot of attention from the business media and you probably have already seen coverage of the partnership if you follow PSJH or tech in the news.

You’ve probably seen the news already and wonder what this will mean within IS.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to learn a bit more about how our relationship with Microsoft and using their PaaS (platform as a service) offerings will help us more holistically manage our stack and move it to the cloud, as well as bring financial benefits from having fewer contracts and platforms to manage across eight critical categories.

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Swedish/PacMed Epic Go-Live Kudos as Massive as Transformation Milestone for IS

Our weekend go-live of the Swedish/PacMed Epic upgrade to our aligned instance/collaborative build of PSJH Epic has been a great success so far and marks a major milestone in our IS strategic journey. Our IS caregivers, including the clinical informatics “surge support” deployed from other regions and TEO, have gone above and beyond, given we have had some higher than expected volumes. This is the largest go-live we have ever done and there is not a single part of IS not engaged in the effort in some way.
As Tabitha Lieberman, SVP of Clinical & Revenue Cycle Applications shared in her Saturday “morning after go-live” message: “Of all the mountains you have climbed I know this one has felt like the tallest in many ways. Swedish, Pac Med and the majority of the community sites using the Swedish instance of Epic have now converted to the PSJH instance… We have a lot of climbing to do over the next few weeks, but please take a moment to appreciate getting to this point.”

> Click into the article headline or graphic to see progress on tickets and some great kudos from our clinical partners.

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Next IS Open Forum Scheduled for June 27

Our last IS Open Forum on June 11 had over 1,200 participants utilizing our still-new Microsoft Teams live events platform and, for the first time, direct Yammer Q&A. It was engaging and exciting to see B.J. and our execs directly answering questions on the live on the line and in the discussion group after. We also heard from PSJH HR and Strategy leaders about the business process optimization work taking place in non-IS Shared Services.

Our next Open Forum with B.J. and the executive leadership will take place Thurs., June 27, at 1:00 p.m. (PT). We will have Adam Dial, SVP of Community Technologies, share a report-out and answer questions about the recent IS Caregiver Engagement Regional Trends Survey and again take your questions.

Invite went to all IS caregivers from CIO B.J. Moore. We hope you can join.

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IS and CIO B.J. Moore Featured in Business Insider, GeekWire, and More

The business and healthcare press is pretty interested in the big plans B.J. has been sharing for how we’re transforming IS and digitally enabling the PSJH vision of Health for a Better World.

Recent and upcoming high-profile interviews and appearances include Business Insider, GeekWire Cloud Summit, and the Evanta/Gartner Seattle Executive Summit.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to share our pride and vision within our professional networks, add our own thoughts, or, at least read and “like” the posts!

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Checking in on Caregiver Engagement

As we shared at our June 4 IS town hall, CIO B.J. Moore and the IS executive team have been digging into the results of our April Caregiver Engagement “pulse” survey that went to 687 IS caregivers, about a fourth of our organization.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to see Adam Dial’s thoughts on the results and how our IS leadership is investing in improving Caregiver Engagement.

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AzureEye Puts the Focus on Accelerating PSJH into the Cloud

We know that the planned sale of our Orangewood offices that houses one of our key data centers forced us to think creatively and pivot even faster than anticipated to moving our data center to a cloud approach. We know from Open Forum and other information B.J. has shared that we’ll be partnering with Microsoft to utilize their Azure cloud solutions and collaborate with their implementation partners Accenture and Avanade to help us.

> Click into the article headline or graphic for an interview with Don Waters, VP of IS engineering, about this exciting work.

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PSJH IS Partners with Microsoft to Offer our Caregivers the Cloud Skills Challenge

B.J. and our leadership have been talking about the exciting transitions to the cloud and our work to transition our Orangewood data center. You may be one of the caregivers highly involved in that effort or just hoping to learn more as we prepare to do more exciting work in the cloud. Either way, we need to accelerate the training journey for our Information Services team here at Providence St. Joseph Health and offer our caregivers the type of training and development to help us pivot to the future!

Information Services is partnering with Microsoft and inviting our IS caregivers to participate in a 30-day learning challenge that kicks off on June 24, 2019.

> Click into the article headline or graphic for details on how to participate in this fun challenge that allows our IS caregivers to TRAIN UP on the cloud and Azure, follow our learning progress against our peers and even win cool prizes based on total points earned for completing training on Microsoft Learn.

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Microsoft Teams Rolls Out to Shared Services Night of June 24

Microsoft Teams is one of the most exciting collaboration tools within Office 365. Within IS, we’ve been using the Meetings “live events” function of Teams to produce the current format of our IS Open Forum calls with great success. Currently, most of IS has had to join via the web viewer to participate, but soon all IS caregivers will have the full MS Teams experience. After months of discernment and planning, MS Teams is rolling out across PSJH Shared Services on June 24, 2019.

> Click into the article headline or graphic for more information about what to expect and the power of Teams as a collaboration tool.

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