Sharing Our High Value Work

As I said on our IS Open Forum last Friday, I hope everyone is taking advantage of at least a few moments of summer relaxation with their families in the midst of what I know is a busy period of IS change and transformation in many corners.

Once again, our Aug. 9 Open Forum had tremendous participation from almost 2,000 caregivers on our IS team, and my exec team and I fielded some great questions. I’ve also had the opportunity to begin sharing our IS strategy of Simplifying, Innovating and Modernizing to advance our PSJH strategy of Health 2.0, including how our Microsoft strategic alliance will accelerate our transformation and provide a standard set of world-class tools for our caregivers. Work was underway earlier this week with Ryan Klein’s organization, IS communications, and our Microsoft partners to look at how we’re going to better share the value and potential of these Microsoft tools with both knowledge workers and those who work in clinical roles as we continue that rollout.

I encourage all of IS to check out the July 31 PSJH Core Leader Forum that I was invited to present at for Irvine- and Renton-based core leaders via webcast…

> Click into the article headline or graphic to read the rest of B.J.’s message, including links to the recent IS Open Forum and the PSJH Core Leader Forum, where he presented to the system.

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IS Service Desk Moving to One Number

Did you know that, for the last several months, the legacy PHS and SJH IS Service Desks have been integrating and standardizing processes? The initiative is to become one Service Desk known as “AskIT.” Service Desk is located across three locations ― Renton, WA, Beaverton, OR, and Lubbock, TX ― and will soon all be able to be reached via one toll-free AskIT phone number. All legacy numbers to contact the Service Desk will remain, but be phased out over time.

> Click into article headline or graphic for more information.

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IS Execs in the News and Other Items to Share via Social

See recent posts from B.J. Moore and Tabitha Lieberman, SVP of Clincal & Revenue Cycle Applications. B.J. is interviewed by Healthcare IT News about the investments needed to help transition IT workforces into cloud skills and shares his experience with the da Vinci surgical robot in Santa Rosa. Tabitha shares an inspiring Mission service outing.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to read, like, and share our IS thought leadership.

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SAR/NetIQ Process Retirement – Oct. 4 Brings New Hire Onboarding Tools for Legacy SJH

In mid-August, we shared that we are retiring the St. Joseph Health SAR (system access request) and NetIQ tools and moving all legacy SJH new hire onboarding to the SailPoint provisioning process, which is the new PSJH standard. Originally slated for September 9, the SAR/NetIQ retirement date was pushed out to October 4.

See the updated article on how this change will align the processes used for provisioning the initial network and system access for non-employees (students, Carelink, contractors, etc.) across PSJH. Utilizing SailPoint streamlines self-service account registration, self-service password management, automated fulfillment for many ad-hoc requests, non-employee onboarding and offboarding processes, and provides better visibility into status of requests through ServiceNow.

> Click into article headline or graphic to see more, including the reminder that ran last week in SJH core leader news.

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Growing Food and Community in Renton

Over the next six months, we plan on featuring a contribution from each of our area-aligned Mission Directors who are helping connect IS caregivers to Mission service opportunities and enriching our IS connection to our Mission under the leadership Chief Mission Integration Officer for Enterprise Shared Services, Sr. Susanne Hartung. Each feature will focus on a Mission Director sharing an inspiring Mission service activity that is underway in their area.

We kick off with Tracy Brown, Mission Director for the King County area, which includes our Renton and Seattle-area IS caregivers.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to read Tracy’s reflection inspired by the Mission service of IS caregivers at Mother Joseph Farm and more about the opportunities to connect with the Mission there.

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IS Execs in the News and Other Items to Share via Social

IS leadership continues to make headlines with our recent strategic Microsoft alliances. CEO Rod Hochman shares how “we can be the most innovative health system in the country while also being the most compassionate and socially responsible.” CIO B.J. Moore and other PSJH leaders reveal PSJH’s inspiration behind a technology-based hospital. Also, check out further interesting insights about our months-long discussions between Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and CEO Rod Hochman that defined objectives for our PSJH-Microsoft tech-health partnership.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to read, like, and share our IS thought leadership.

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Catching Up on Some Big News

Summer is flying by and I know we’ve had a lot of IS news – our Microsoft strategic partnership announcement came from PSJH President and CEO Rod Hochman, right on the heels of our Bluetree announcement and our rollout of Microsoft Teams to IS/Shared Services. We also had our big Swedish Epic go-live, Azure Orangewood transition kickoff, and numerous other projects our teams have been involved in. It’s a big summer for IS!
We shared the news of the Microsoft strategic partnership within IS just ahead of the major system announcements, right as I was going on vacation with my family, so I wanted to share a few thoughts about what it means to IS and PSJH. I also want to share some organizational news related to the leaders I’ve been interviewing and selecting to lead three of areas of our evolved IS organizational model . . .

> Click into the headline or graphic to read the rest of B.J.’s note.

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