Healthcare Targeted by Hackers

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently published an alert on hackers targeting healthcare web applications. These are programs that use internet browsers to deliver applications to users, like online forms, shopping carts, photo editing, and email programs. These are typically interactive and require some sort of user authentication. In healthcare, examples are Patient Portals, Telehealth Services, Online Pharmacies, and Patient Monitoring Applications with IoT Devices.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to learn what you can do to help keep our data, systems, and devices secure.

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Next-Generation IS Onboarding Experience Launches

The IS-wide onboarding virtual orientation platform has been redesigned, along with a more streamlined RISE experience and a new “Welcome to IS” email, that makes it clearer what onboarding content is required, what is optional, what is pillar-specific, and what is role-based specific for newly-hired caregivers.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to learn about the changes and when they will be implemented.

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Third Virtual IS & RESO Summer Social Surpassed Fundraising Goal

Thank you to all who attended either time option on Wednesday, August 10, and took part in the raffle and activities during our third virtual IS & RESO Summer Social. Together, we raised $11,700 for Hope Place.

> Click into the article headline or graphic for all the details, including a list of raffle winners and planning committee members who made the event a success.

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Epic Data Restructuring for Organizational Changes

Healthcare Intelligence is working with our Epic teams to update Epic security and data report groupers to match Providence’s recent delivery system restructure. Since our region, service area, ministry, and other structures have aligned within these divisions, we are restructuring the Epic analytics report groupings accordingly.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to find out what action is needed from all data users and developers.

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