HI Operations Modernizing Deployment Process

The Healthcare Intelligence (HI) Operations Engineering team is implementing changes that may impact your code development and deployment methods. HI’s goal is to modernize its offerings and more efficiently provide products and services and are support it with a new orchestration requirement and deployment process.

> Click into the article headline or graphic for an outline of process changes.

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Keep Devices Secure with Password Best Practices

As part of routine auditing, Information Security has discovered that device passwords are often written out and taped directly to devices. These passwords are also very easy to guess. Access to device passwords puts Providence data and systems at risk, allowing for unauthorized access to be easily obtained.

> Click into the article headline or graphic for best practices, a helpful new password management tool, and more information about requirements for passwords.

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WebNow Retired and Replaced with ImageNow, Effective Dec. 10 for Legacy Providence

WebNow, the business application used for invoice approval and coding, will be decommissioned effective Friday, December 10, 2021. It will be replaced by the ImageNow client. All users of WebNow will use ImageNow going forward for all business processes previously accessed through WebNow.

> Click into the article headline or graphic for instructions on accessing ImageNow via the client, which should replace any bookmarks or links to the legacy WebNow tool.

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HI Simplifies Project Intake Process

IS Healthcare Intelligence (HI) has changed how work enters its portfolio. Any HI business partner who has an idea for a solution within HI’s scope can use this process to propose it. Proposals considered may include new data sets, dashboards, visualizations, software applications, and other products or technologies that facilitate and advance the HI mission.

> Click into the article headline or graphic to learn how the updated HI governance process works, including links to initial points of contact and how to communicate your needs and ideas to HI.

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Thank You for Your Feedback, a Historic Mission Milestone, and Dec. 15 Christmas Social

Once again, I’m appreciative of the great participation across IS & RESO on the 2021 Caregiver Experience Survey. During another very challenging year, we saw 83% survey response across our combined organization – 90% of IS and 76% of RESO – thank you! My leadership team, the IS & RESO Caregiver Experience Committee, and core leaders across the organization are in the process of unpacking the results and will be outlining an action plan in January. In the meantime, I want to share that our combined Highly Sustainably Engaged score of 60% (up 3% from historical) shows that, although we’ve had a challenging past year, we’re continuing to make progress and trending better than our healthcare industry peers. Some of the emerging key themes for IS & RESO include workload and resonance with the mission. These and other focus areas will also help us define our efforts and investment to improve caregiver experience in 2022.

Our Mission leaders, remind me that today is a very exciting anniversary for Providence. 165 years ago today, pioneering Sisters led from Montreal by Sister Joseph, who had ventured west across sea and land, reached the muddy banks of the Columbia River at Fort Vancouver in what was then the Washington Territory. They persevered with tremendous energy and fortitude through the challenges and harsh conditions they experienced, determined to serve the most poor and vulnerable. By 1858, those first Sisters had opened St. Joseph Hospital, the Northwest’s first permanent hospital. By the end of Sister Joseph’s leadership, they had expanded to 30 locations, ranging from hospitals, orphanages, homes for the elderly, and schools. I hope you’re as inspired by reflecting on that passion for our Mission, their energy, and their vision as much as I am.

Finally, I’m looking forward to our second-annual IS & RESO Christmas Virtual Social, including a shortened Open Forum, fun activities for all, and opportunities for children to see Santa! It will be a great chance to pause to have some fun together across geographies and get in the spirit of the season . . .

> Click into the memo headline or graphic to read the rest of BJ’s December message.

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