Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with their family and friends.
Thank you to everyone who joined our December 15 IS & RESO Christmas Virtual Social and Open Forum, and who contributed to our Mission raffle fundraiser benefitting Clare’s Place. Once again, I’m so impressed with the generosity of our IS & RESO organization. Together, we raised over $9,900 to help fund Clare’s Place supportive housing and programs for families. A big thank you to our organizing committee, activity facilitators, and musicians who help produce our third large-scale virtual social event!
On our upcoming January 19 Open Forum (invite coming soon), I want to look back on our 2021 achievements in IS & RESO, and talk about our strategic priorities for 2022. I am very proud of the progress we’ve made so far and this year is pivotal in our simplify, modernize and innovate journey and further integrating and maximizing impact across IS and RESO . I am very excited about the work ahead as we keep our fellow caregivers’ and patients’ experience at the core of everything we develop and support . . .
> Click into the memo headline or graphic to read BJ’s complete message.
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