Thank you to everyone who joined our IS & RESO Open Forum on May 18 – over 1,800 participants, once again!
I shared some photos and experiences from my trip to the Vatican with executive and Mission leaders from Providence. This working trip to present our plans on behalf of our delegation to the Catholic Health Care Conference was an honor. Sharing one additional photo from this inspiring trip of Pope Francis from when our group was able to have an audience with His Holiness.
I appreciate the time our caregivers took to respond to the recent April Caregiver Experience Check-in Survey. Our IS team had a high response rate of 74%, while our RESO team, whose busy frontline-focused roles make them harder to reach with surveys and emails, had 40% participation. System-wide participation was 46%, so IS & RESO was solid overall. Our shared strengths across IS & RESO are in the areas of Quality and Supervision, while the areas we should need continued focus on are Resonance with the Mission, Role Success, and Workload . . .
> Click into the memo headline or graphic to read the rest of BJ’s note.
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