Walls for vestibule elevator and tunnel come to life at North Tower!
Approximately 5,529 truck and trailer loads of soil and concrete have been exported from the site, with enough material to fill almost 40 hot air balloons (121,638 cubic yards)! 5,400 cubic yards of foundational concrete has been poured, which could fill nearly 55,000 car gas tanks, and the first slab on grade was poured directly on to the ground to create the foundation of the building. Perimeter wall installation continues for creation of the underground parking garage.
There is continued progress at the tunnel connecting Minor Avenue and future Block 95, with metal framework placement underway. Teams have also begun putting the core walls in place for the elevator at the Marion Garden vestibule.
At the start of September, night work for storm and sewer lines on Minor Avenue commenced. This development, in addition to mechanical, electrical, and plumbing installation, will further overall progress for utility lines for the building.
We eagerly await continued advancements of the North Tower project, including progression of tunnel work, and visible additions to the building’s lower levels. Please continue to visit this site or email NorthTowerComms@providence.org for updates.