More RESO Lessons Learned

For this week’s RESO Update, we are sharing Lessons Learned from our Alaska, Washington and Oregon regions. 

PVMC SPD Improvements

During construction of Providence Valdez Medical Center, field work audits were conducted to ensure the sterile processing department (SPD) was compliant with drawings and specifications. We uncovered that perforated liner was used for the double wall duct work, which is not compliant for healthcare supply ducts. The use of this liner promotes mold and bacterial growth, and thereby removal and replacement were necessary for all supply ducts using perforated interior liner. 

It was learned from this project that we must ensure Design & Construction Managers are responsible for on-site quality assurance and quality control walks to maintain consistency between field conditions and drawings and specifications. 

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Kadlec AHU-204 Replacement 

As crews were saw cutting new underground waste line connections for Kadlec Regional Medical Center, a conduit bank, or a protective space for underground utility wires, was uncovered by the contractor directly beneath surface or slab. This was not noted previously on the completed construction drawings and resulted in a two-week delay to the overall project. In order to finalize excavation, additional concrete slab was needed. To fill the excavated areas, teams required slurry mix shipped via truck all the way from Anchorage. 

Conducting future ground-penetrating radar (GRP) prior to slab cutting is necessary for identifying potential project disruptions. This will reconfirm how thick the slab may be, where foundational structures may be placed, and locate any conduit banks, similar to those found at Kadlec.  

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PMMC Pavilion Roof Repairs 

A large section of roofing replacement was located over the LINAC exhaust. Due to the radiation exposure risk in this area, the roofing replacement had to be conducted after hours/overtime to ensure the safety of the installer. Increasing cost and time for project completion.  

Recommendation for future roof repairs if full walk throughs of entire roofing areas and note any specialty exhaust systems or equipment that may be a hazard to the roofing installers. Develop a plan and schedule to complete the work requiring equipment shut down and/or after-hours installations. Obtain after-hours labor rates and ensure the cost difference is captured in the project budget. 

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For more details on these Lessons Learned and more please visit: RESO Lessons Learned – Home ( Please continue to share!!