Final Reminder – RESO Email Retention Updates

Action Required by Thursday, March 28, 2024

Starting next week, Providence email retention policy will automatically delete all Outlook messages that are more than two years old. Previously, some RESO caregivers were exempt from this policy, but this exemption has ended. If you do not want to lose Outlook emails due to this policy, you must follow the below steps by Thursday, March 28, 2024.

  1. By March 28, Go to this site, navigate to your respective region, and create your own folder to store your emails.
  2. If needed, view additional steps to save emails to a personal folder here

Thank you for doing your part to keep information safe at Providence. Outlook was never designed to be a file storage system, and by aligning with this policy you can help to meet current best practices and minimize risk.

For questions about this message or the email retention policy, Contact Joshua Le, Information Services Engineering Program Manager I.