Dear RESO team,
In this week’s newsletter I want to provide some updates and give accolades for an amazing effort by the facilities and EVS teams at St. Joseph’s Burbank.
First, and as many of you know, we’re in the process of updating our project management technology (eBuilder). We haven’t been able to invest in eBuilder for a number of years which has resulted in the need for a number of RESO caregivers to continuously make heroic efforts to keep the program working well enough to support our teams. With cumulative fixes, a new financial infrastructure (Genesis) and a critical need to evolve and adhere to cyber security requirements, we’ve embarked on a journey to improve the eBuilder platform and processes. With support from the PMO team, RESO Finance and dedicated support from eBuilder, we will make eBuilder a tool that truly supports our project teams and provides us with reliable data to manage our capital investments. Even though this is something we have to complete, I’m sorry that it’s making things more difficult in the short run. I appreciate everyone’s patience as we go through this and am happy to share the first of what will be regular monthly updates on our progress to ensure better communication about how we are making eBuilder better.
Second, the RESO Construction Council recently held an offsite meeting where goals, projects, opportunities and challenges were discussed in depth. This work is crucial as there are many parallel improvement initiatives underway with other teams including Finance, IS, HR, Strategy, PCN, REH, Environmental Stewardship and others. The work of the Construction Council is critical to ensure we’re aligned when all of these initiatives are completed. After that, we will be able to make global improvements to our project platform to support everyone at Providence. This is an enormous amount of work and I want to give special recognition to the Construction leaders from our regions – John Bush (AK), Hisham Elkhawad (PSR), Westin York (OR), Jason Hunt (EWAMT/TXNM), Ryan Berry (CA) and Mark Smith (TX) – who are all contributing time beyond what their day jobs require to make improvements to our platform.
Additionally, I’m thrilled that the Tarzana NICU has opened. All of our projects are meaningful as we support the delivery of care, but anyone who has been involved in a NICU project knows they are special. The babies in our NICUs are among the most fragile and at-risk patients we serve, and the Tarzana project exemplifies our commitment to providing exceptional care to those in need, especially the vulnerable. Thanks to everyone on our team who made this project such a success.
I also want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Brandon Allen, Marco Bermudez and the Facilities team, and Donnie Smith and the EVS team for their quick response and support during an almost catastrophic water leak at St. Joseph Burbank. Their swift action prevented a disaster, as water began pouring into an IS equipment room full of servers and other equipment needed for the hospital to continue operations. Their actions and the collaboration with IS and CTS exemplifies the teamwork we value at RESO.
These are just a few highlights from the newsletter, and I encourage you to read it in full for more details on these and other important updates. Also, let’s continue celebrating each other’s successes by submitting nominations to RESO Excellence to be shared across the organization.
Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication to our Mission.
Mike Denney, GVP, RESO