RESO Platform Update: Planning & Design Council

A note from Rachel Jenner, Executive Director, Planning & Design.

2023 has been a year of formation and transition for the Planning & Design Platform. Rachel Jenner, Executive Director of Planning & Design, now leads the workstream and is excited apply her background in medical planning and North Division experience to develop systems and processes to better support the work. The Planning & Design Platform is dedicated to providing a support network to bridge strategic planning with capital planning and construction. They are made up of team members with a variety of skillsets to guide the conversations around how physical space can be shaped to achieve our organizational goals.

Many valuable workstreams were started in 2023 and will continue to gain momentum in 2024.

  • RESO Design Hub (screenshot below) – Framework developed in partnership with PMO team. P&D team working to refine content to allow a one-stop-shop for system-wide resources including design guidelines, product database, technical standards, wayfinding, branding, existing floor plans and more.
  • Major Capital Project Leadership – With momentum gaining on several major capital projects, including First Hill North Tower and Mission Viejo Master Plan, the team is allocating dedicated resource to lead the planning and design phases of the work. They will partner closely with the construction and operations leads to help navigate the delicate balance of scope, schedule and budget.

A look ahead to 2024

The top Planning & Design priority for 2024 is to develop an Integrated Campus Planning tool, pulling together what are currently disparate and inconsistent data sources. This new tool will be highly interactive and allow us to visualize what physical space we have today in a consistent format, full of rich data. More importantly, it will allow us to better visualize the current real estate portfolio, where the challenges and opportunities are, and to overlay the strategies for future planning. Having this tool at our fingertips will be of huge value to RESO, Strategy, Finance and our executive leaders.

The team will also continue to drive content for the RESO design hub so it can be up and running soon.