Platform Development Update – November 1, 2022

RESO Centralized Storage Project

The project team is creating a single centralized file storage solution for the RESO organization to allow for easy storage and file retrieval of project and operational documents. Storage of files will eventually include a common file structure, file versioning, attachment storage, email storage and enable file retention compliance standards. The first phase of this project is the identification of all Shared Drives in use by RESO across the enterprise and the transfer of data to a new Shared Library SharePoint site before the end of November 2022.

If you are interested in more detail about this modernization effort and the required changes visit the Shared Network Drive to SharePoint initiative site.

Enterprise Email Changes 

In parallel with the above storage effort, this email project accommodates the upcoming retirement of PST file use. As a reminder, caregivers can no longer create personal storage table (.pst or PST) files for Outlook. RESO PST files and emails older than two years will start being deleted on December 12, 2022.

Our project team is working to find all RESO-owned PST files on the Shared Drives and will collaborate with impacted caregivers on next steps. Likewise, our team is working to assess the impacts and potential needs for exemptions to the new email retention policy. More information will be forthcoming.

Action needed:  If you have PST files, shared folders, or databases that were not reported on the July survey please join one of our office hours to add the files to our migration list.

If you are interested in more details about these changes visit the PST Files and Email Retention initiative site.

Office Hours

Join a twice-weekly bridge where you can ask questions, receive clarification about the changes or obtain additional help. Visit our site to add these sessions to your calendar.