Thank You for Your Generosity

Thank you to all 1,200+ IS & RESO caregivers who joined us on August 10 for our two virtual summer social gatherings. Our raffle raised $11,700 (117% of goal) for women and children in need in our community. I’m very proud of our team’s generosity in supporting our Mission and love seeing caregivers interacting and having fun across departments and time zones. Congratulations to our prize winners and thank you to the large team of volunteers that helps us produce these fun events!

At the opening of our summer social, I shared the wish that RESO SVP Craig Arnold had for all of us to spend time with the people and activities we love and cherish those moments together. Craig loved our Mission, the people, and the culture of Providence. He made a meaningful impact over his short time with us.

When we meet on September 21 for IS & RESO Open Forum, we will be joined by a very special guest, Providence Chief Operating Officer Erik Wexler. I look forward to the opportunity to talk with him about his views and expectations for the three Divisions in his new expanded role. I hope you all have a good end to your summer. It has gone by quickly!

B.J. Moore