With St. Joseph Health’s EHR assessment complete and pre-work beginning for the Southern California Epic implementation kick-off in January 2020, Meditech support teams are transitioning to enable them to support Epic and interim support of Meditech is moving to Engage, a vendor partner. We’re also drastically scaling back our Meditech optimization hours.
Our CMIO and SVP of Clinical Informations & IS Strategic Partners, Michael Marino, DO, shared a memo with select partners and St. Joseph Health ministries on April 8:
Please share the following message with your teams as appropriate.
St. Joseph Health has completed the assessment and begun pre-work in anticipation of officially kicking off the Southern California Epic implementation across SJH ministries in January 2020, with scheduled go-live in October of 2020.
The Meditech support team has been in the process of transitioning to new teams to enable them to support Epic and will be fully transitioned to those new teams by May 1, 2019.
Ongoing support of Meditech and the third-party applications that team supports is being transitioned to Engage, a longtime PSJH IS partner spun out from INHS, which will perform normal maintenance items and limited optimization work. Optimization work will be prioritized by Providence St. Joseph Health with a focus on only optimizations with high patient safety impact, that address regulatory priorities, and/or have high financial impact. As we limit the scope of Meditech optimizations in the pre-Epic go-live period, the pace of Meditech optimizations is expected to slow from 12,000 hours per year to 3,000 per year.
Additionally, we will need to make sure that all caregivers are aware of this transition as Engage staff may be communicating to caregivers with thinkengage.com email addresses or identifying themselves as Engage team members, so our SJH caregivers can expect this and to not be concerned about any security issues in communicating with the outsourced company.
Please reach out to Shari Titus, exec. director for Clinical Informatics applications support, for questions.
We thank you for your continued support on our exciting journey to Epic at SJH.
Michael Marino, DO
CMIO and SVP, Clinical Informatics & IS Strategic Partners