Healthcare Intelligence Program Reduces Providence Clinic No-Show Rates

A “no-show” is when a patient does not show up for a medical appointment. It is a universally measured, significant problem across healthcare.

Healthcare Intelligence (HI) began developing the NoShow program in 2017 to take advantage of our Epic data and analytics expertise to minimize no-shows and late cancellations. HI is now ready to expand the program within Providence by focusing on clinics seeking a solution to their no-show problem.

NoShow uses an ML model, an intuitive web app, and our partners in the Patient Engagement Center (PEC) to lower no-show and late cancel rates. The model identifies the patients who are at highest risk of missing their appointments. Contact center agents use the web app to identify and call patients. They document the call outcome using the web app. 

NoShow features include:

  • Low program cost generating ROI frequently above 200% 
  • Proven record of lowering no-shows and late cancellations by 10-40%  
  • Intuitive UI maximizing call throughput and increased call accuracy and coverage 
  • Reporting capabilities showing operational metrics and changes in no-show and late cancel rates 
  • Accurate predictive model for actionable insights (over 70 discrete parameters, such as appointment history, demographics, and clinical information) 

NoShow has been operating as a paid service since January 2021. It started with 9 clinics and is now servicing 49 clinics across 16 different specialties. 

There is great demand for managing no-shows. The NoShow team has invested in UI and infrastructure capabilities to scale the operations from 50 clinics to potentially thousands of Providence clinics. 

The team is also researching the expansion of NoShow to clinics outside Providence such as Community Technologies and other healthcare organizations. 

More info 

Please contact Francis Brown, principal product manager.