We had 1,899 caregivers join our Tuesday, June 21, 2022 Open Forum. Our IS & RESO execs covered a wide variety of topics:
- A reflection from Sr. Susanne Hartung, chief mission officer/VP, about the Genesis project name
- EVP/CIO update from B.J. Moore, including Genesis training, Kronos go-live, UW MSIS commencement, Modern Healthcare Summit, capital spending updates, and his upcoming trip to India
- Recognition of Q2 SMIle Award winners and IS MAC patent filing
- Genesis updates, including learning resources and pre-go-live support, from Frances Chao, GVP, Enterprise Business Applications, and Aman Nakai, AVP
- RESO-related capital pause impacts from Mike Denney, VP, Puget Sound RESO
- OnboardMe rollout to Shared Services from Shiran Sathananthan, AVP, Administrative Technology, and Karen McLaughlin, principal product manager
- Collaboration spaces from Ivette de Rubens, GVP, IS Strategy & Centers of Excellence
Caregiver questions were addressed in our Open Yammer Group, so be sure to check out that ongoing dialogue, with our executive team continuing to answer our questions and provide insights.
View the presentation in slide form