HI’s Home Information Site Revamped

In December, IS Healthcare Intelligence (HI) launched their redesigned HI Home site to improve usability and accessibility of information. The team also created new pages for new key content.  

There are more links surfaced to the home page that quickly lead users to information about the platforms, products, teams, and services that HI provides or supports. Site enhancements include: 

  • Reduced clicks for users to find what’s available 
  • New System Status section for key HI-managed systems and infrastructure 
  • All major HI focus areas and subjects are available as links on the home page 
  • Each info page has a description, access, resources, training, and team information
  • Links to related Teams, Yammer, SharePoint, and external Internet sites 

Check out the revamped site at: https://providence4.sharepoint.com/sites/HealthcareIntelligence or from IS Hub > Training, Knowledge, & Readiness  


Please email HI Home site master Thom Disco with any needs, comments, or suggestions.