Collaboration Drives Progress on Enterprise Metric Repository Project

In September of 2021, the Data Strategy & Governance Subcommittee sponsored a project to create a centralized Enterprise Metric Repository. This cross-Council governing body of senior executives provides data strategy, guidance, and escalation resolution. They determine appropriate use and quality improvement of Providence data and metrics. Their goal is to establish the repository as the single source of truth for the Metrics in Common and all Destination Health 2025 council metrics.

In February, the supporting team has completed the first 2022 deliverable of the project. This included the development of a centralized database to house the aggregated metric result data and serve as the source for the Integrated Strategic and Financial Plan (ISFP) System Dashboard. This dashboard reports organizational performance against Board-approved targets for the Metrics in Common.

Distilling our data into common metrics

To track our progress to Destination Health 2025, the teams defined new processes for aggregating and processing the core metric data used by the ISFP System Dashboard. Data is broken out by:

  • System – Summary of all metrics by our areas of strategic focus
  • Metric – Summary and individual metric performance targets for system, region, and service areas

Involvement of stakeholders

This project involved an exceptional amount of teamwork from Clinical Analytics, Healthcare Intelligence (HI), Strategy & Planning, and Population Health teams to perform the engineering, design, user experience, architecture, dev ops, and data governance functions necessary.

  • Data Strategy and Governance Subcommittee sponsors and oversees the project
  • Six Governing Councils managing their parts of the business, also their metrics that feed into the Metrics in Common: Clinical & Medical Group Council, Operations Council, Population Health Council, Growth Council, Consumer Council, and Workforce Council
  • Metric owners are responsible for defining and curating the Metrics in Common stored in the Metric Depot Database and visualized in the ISFP System Dashboard

Accomplishments to date

The scope for Phase 1 (Oct. 2021- Feb. 2022) Enhancements:

  • Architected and developed the Metric Depot Database in Cloud Data Warehouse (CDW) to enable users to access and explore underlying aggregated metrics
  • Sourced existing ISFP System Dashboard managed by Strategy & Planning with repository data
  • Collaborated with metric owners to automate processes to push metric result data to the repository
  • Automated data transfer audit checks with error notifications sent to metric owners
  • Established agreements on transfer schedule and workflow for each metric
  • Established data governance practices, approved stakeholders (e.g., data stewards), set up Informatica Axon business metadata
  • Governed and curated metric business metadata in Axon data governance tool
  • Began user research for design considerations for the next phase of project

The Providence Enterprise Metric Repository project team will continue to work on Phase II with focus on completing user research interviews to inform new dashboard design, implement enhancements to the existing workflows, and scope inclusion of council-level metrics into the repository.

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