‘Journeys in Leadership’ Sits Down with CMIO/IS SVP Dr. Michael Marino

The 2022 Journeys in Leadership interview series has kicked off. Each month, Doug Lewis, GVP Administrative Technologies, will be meeting with leadership across IS & RESO to allow you to better get to know them and their individual journeys.

The format explores four themes — History, Heroes, Heartbreak, and Hope
— revealing each executive’s leadership perspectives and personal stories.

January’s interview was with Dr. Michael Marino, Chief Medical Information Officer and SVP of Clinical Informatics & IS Strategic Partners/ Service Directors.

View the video to reveal Dr. Marino’s propensity for taking action and facilitating positive change wherever he can.

More info

Visit the Journeys in Leadership page of the IS & RESO Caregiver Experience SharePoint site.


Check out the system executive conversation series, B.J. Moore’s Fireside Chats.