Check Out the Dec. 15 IS & RESO Christmas “Mini Open Forum,” In Case You Missed

Thank you to all who joined our “mini” Open Forum, between activity sessions of our December 15 IS & RESO Christmas Virtual Social 2021, during which our IS & RESO execs covered a wide variety of topics.

  • A winter solstice reflection from Sister Susanne Hartung
  • Quick updates from B.J. Moore
  • A high-level overview of action planning priorities around 2021 IS & RESO Caregiver Experience Survey results from CHRO Tim Cash.
  • An overview of the day’s Christmas Virtual Social activities
  • A look back at the success of our Open Forum events and engagement in 2021
  • An appearance by Santa for a festive holiday send-off and “thank you”

Caregiver questions were addressed in our Open Yammer Group, so be sure to check out that ongoing dialogue, with our executive team continuing to answer our questions and provide insights.

View the recording

View the presentation in slide form.


IS & RESO Open Forum archives