Congratulations, Q3 2021 SMIle Award Winners!

On our October 20, 2021 IS & RESO Open Forum, BJ Moore recognized the Q3 winners of our EVP/CIO SMIle Awards. Winners were selected from seven highly-competitive peer nominations.

This was our third quarter of our IS & RESO peer-nominated award program recognizing business achievements of both individuals and teams who live our Providence Values, lead with excellence, and demonstrate the Simplify, Modernize, Innovate principles, so crucial to the success of our combined organization. Q3 once again also included a special large group category.

Team Winners: Caregiver Safety & Training

Please congratulate Brenda Camacho, Safety & Environmental Health manager, Cynthia Holm, Safety & Environmental Health manager, Karen Rodriguez, Safety & Environmental Health manager, and Angela Wang, regional safety manager! This team continues to go above and beyond in assuring our caregiver’s COVID-19 safety support needs are met. Relying upon science to drive protocols, they have been instrumental in adapting and creating protocols to evolving policies and guidelines. They have also ensured caregivers use PPE appropriately with equipment training and education updates.

Individual Winner: Phil Lafata, senior design & construction manager

Normally assigned to Montana, Phil has supported Texas and California for design and construction when both regions were short on resources. Phil’s cross-region resource sharing simplified project management and limited the need to call upon a third party. His approach relied on standardized processes, consistent across the organization, creating consistency and eliminating redundancy and silos.

Special Group Honor: Northern California go-live

This special category honors the efforts on the Northern California go-live spanning teams across IS. Congratulations!


Team Finalists: Migration of One IS Finance reporting to a single SQL Server database

Anil Kola, technical program manager, IS administration/PGC, Erin Misgen, director, IS strategy program director, and Zachary Ryland, IS finance manager

Individual Finalist: Joe Spengler, sr. clinical informatics specialist lead

Automating class cancellation process between SharePoint and HealthStream

Q4 Nominations

The nominating window for Q4 2021 will open on Wednesday, November 17. Please visit the IS & RESO SMIle Awards site for more information and the link to the nomination form.