Providence Recognized by Practice Greenhealth

We are proud to share that Providence has been honored with the 2021 System for Change Award from Practice Greenhealth, in recognition of our ongoing commitment to significantly reducing our carbon footprint and our efforts to build sustainability into our operations. The Providence system has been awarded this recognition for the first time ever and is one of only eight health systems to receive the award this year.

In addition, Practice Greenhealth is presenting the Environmental Excellence Award to 23 hospitals within the system.

The award recognizes health care facilities that continuously improve and expand upon programs to eliminate mercury, reduce and recycle waste, source products sustainably, and more. Winning facilities must demonstrate that they are working toward energy efficiency, waste reduction, elimination of mercury and other chemicals of concern, sustainable food programs, and that they have robust programs in many areas.

As you know, in 2020 we announced our goal to become carbon negative by 2030. This award is a testament to the work our system has done to help meet this goal. The more we work together to reduce our carbon footprint, the more we are directly contributing to the health of our communities and a more sustainable future. 

We’re grateful to the many caregivers who are committed to this work and bring innovation, ingenuity and adaptability to help us dramatically reduce our carbon footprint.
