Find Mission Ambassador-Led Service Opportunities for Your Region

Called to serve: An invitation to be in service to others

Shared Services Mission Integration, under the leadership of Sister Susanne Hartung, Chief Mission Officer, has launched their new Shared Services Mission SharePoint site, which includes a region-by-region directory of our various service opportunities.

Updated by our local Mission Ambassadors, the new Mission Ambassadors page of the site includes descriptions of the primary, “Providence official” Mission Service opportunities led by our Ambassadors.

Sister Susanne shares, “Our Mission Ambassadors program, which was established ten years ago, continues to grow in service to the poor and vulnerable. You will find an opportunity near you. Simply visit the new page. Our communities are blessed by your presence and generosity. Thank you for responding to those most in need.”

The Mission Ambassador team encourages you to explore the opportunities to be of service in your area! You’ll find contacts and details of current activities to take part in for your area.


Please contact Ana Olazabal-Foma’i, Shared Service Mission program operations manager.