With a solid group from IS headed to HIMSS 2019 in Orlando this week, here are some action items for those attending and those who are looking forward to learning/sharing exciting trends in health care and health IT.
- B.J. Moore, our new IS EVP and system CIO, will be in attendance, along with Brett MacClaren, our GVP of Healthcare Intelligence, leading the IS delegation to the event. See the full agenda of PSJH at the conference.
- The media is excited to speak with B.J. about his perspectives and he’ll be chatting with outlets such as the Wall Street Journal and Modern Healthcare, hopefully resulting in stories we can share soon.
- Hot topics that media and attendees are eager to hear from PSJH leadership about include our acquisition of revenue cycle startup Lumedic, our second round of funding for Providence Ventures, and our launch of Ayin Health Solutions in the population health space.
Action items
- If you’re at HIMSS, please capture a few of your notes — what is surprising you, what trend sparks your thinking, what would you like the rest of IS to have heard? Send your thoughts to IS Communication’s Justin Schutz.
- Also, if you’re at HIMSS, try taking a short (30 seconds or under) phone video or captioned Instagram-style selfies and sharing your “a ha” moment as you discover something new, so we can share the learnings with IS. Send those to Justin, too, and/or post them, tagging @PSJH and including the hashtag #PSJHISatHIMSS19.
- Whether you’re at HIMSS or back at the office, follow the action via our @PSJH handle on LinkedIn and other social media channels.
- If you have a thought to share about what you’re learning at HIMSS or from your fellow caregivers and core leaders who are posting from the conference, share your thoughts with the hashtag: #PSJHISatHIMSS19. Let’s show the world our IS thought leadership!