Help IS Represent PSJH at HIMSS19… Whether You’re There or in the Office!

With a solid group from IS headed to HIMSS 2019 in Orlando this week, here are some action items for those attending and those who are looking forward to learning/sharing exciting trends in health care and health IT.

Action items

  • If you’re at HIMSS, please capture a few of your notes — what is surprising you, what trend sparks your thinking, what would you like the rest of IS to have heard? Send your thoughts to IS Communication’s Justin Schutz.
  • Also, if you’re at HIMSS, try taking a short (30 seconds or under) phone video or captioned Instagram-style selfies and sharing your “a ha” moment as you discover something new, so we can share the learnings with IS. Send those to Justin, too, and/or post them, tagging @PSJH and including the hashtag #PSJHISatHIMSS19.
  • Whether you’re at HIMSS or back at the office, follow the action via our @PSJH handle on LinkedIn and other social media channels.
  • If you have a thought to share about what you’re learning at HIMSS or from your fellow caregivers and core leaders who are posting from the conference, share your thoughts with the hashtag: #PSJHISatHIMSS19. Let’s show the world our IS thought leadership!