Deadline Extended for Migration of DLs to Microsoft 365 Groups

Early this past fall, our IS OneTeam group began sharing the direction we were headed with transitioning from Outlook-based DLs to Microsoft 365 Groups for distribution of emails.

The original deadline of December 18, 2020, to migrate distribution lists (DLs) to Microsoft 365 (M365) Groups has been extended. Currently, all on-prem, non-query-based, Outlook DLs with 400 members or less, may continue to be migrated to M365 Groups utilizing the DL Migration Tool below. We will communicate updates on timelines soon.

Note on Query-Based DLs: Query-based DLs are automated distribution lists, based on some form of caregiver attribute, such as their company, building location, department, or job code. Query-based DLs are out of scope at this time and will not appear in the DL Migration Tool.  

What do I need to do? 

If you would like to migrate your eligible DL, please use the DL Migration Tool link below, based on your legacy affiliation (Providence or St. Joseph) at the time you created the DL. You may do this for each eligible DL that you own. Use the Tips for Submitting the DL Migration Tool to assist you through a few simple steps.  

Browser recommendation: When completing the DL Migration Tool, please use the Edge or Chrome browser. 

Additional opportunities to learn and ask questions 

OneTeam Live! 

Every Friday, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. (PT), drop-in and ask a question about using email, SharePoint online/OneDrive, Yammer, or Teams. 

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
+1 509-904-0815 

Conference ID: 622 833 92#

For more information, visit the OneTeam site or email