Successful IS Integration for St. Elias

St. Elias Specialty Hospital

In 2019, IS embarked upon an effort to fully integrate St. Elias Specialty Hospital, a Providence-owned rehab hospital in Anchorage,Alaska, with Providence processes, technology, and systems. As part of this program, IS completed the huge undertaking of migrating St. Elias caregivers and devices to the Providence domain and network infrastructure in late August 2020.

The St. Elias team extended a huge thank you to the IS Integration team for a very successful technical integration and cut-over. The core leaders described the IT integration team as “stellar,” with excellent advance notice and planning.

“On the morning after the cut-over, the team expected disruptions and issues. Instead, they found IS caregivers lined up around the building and outside doors addressing and resolving issues as they arose. It was amazing.”

Phil Simpson, Director for Operations at St. Elias shared, “There have been so many changes with the overall integration, with how large and complex the IT portion was. There was quite a bit of anxiety about the process and outcomes. I found myself a happy camper! With the support of adopting the new systems, products, and methods, as my confidence grows, so do I. Where there was some darkness, IT has added to the light by integrating into Providence. I so appreciate all of the efforts on integration.”

The Integration team now looks ahead with their St. Elias partners to transitioning to the new support model and hope that goes just as smoothly as the cut-over.

Contributing teams to the success of recent migration effort:

St. Elias IS team, St. Elias administration and core leaders, St. Elias Super Users group, TEO Tech Integration, IS Growth & Affiliation PMO, Network LAN/WA, Network Wireless, Thin Client, Authentication Engineering, IAM Engineering, IAM Ops, CSE, Epic printing, Epic BCA, Application Portfolio Management, Alaska EUS, IS Service Desk, Security Engineering, Migration Engineering, ServiceNow team, GCI vendor, and more.