Microsoft Power BI Pro is Available for Self-Installation

Microsoft Power BI Pro is now available to caregivers for self-installation. Power BI Pro provides the ability to unify data from many sources to create interactive, immersive dashboards and reports that provide actionable insights and drive business results.

Power BI Pro is already included in Office 365 licenses for Knowledge Workers (E5 license). Support Workers (E3 license) and Frontline Workers (EMS-E3 license) that want to utilize Power BI Pro need to purchase a license. You can find an overview of Power BI Pro on the Microsoft Power BI Website.

Not sure which type of license you have? Complete this form to receive an email with your license information.

Before purchasing, you must either be on the PSJH network or connected through the VPN.

To begin the self-installation process, or to get more information, please visit the Self-Service Software site. You can also email for assistance.