On September 1, 2020, IS disabled registered guest access in Microsoft Teams across PSJH. This has caused a change in the way that caregivers interact with external collaborators. Below is an outline of the impacted functionality.
IS is strengthening security protocols to protect PSJH data. Disabling guest access in Teams is a step toward achieving that goal.
What is not changing?
- External collaborators are still able to participate in Teams Meetings and Meeting Chat using anonymous guest capabilities. Anonymous guests do not create a user ID or password.
- Federated partners―organizations whose Office 365 systems have been securely linked to PSJH’s―will be unaffected by this change.
What is changing?
- Caregivers are not able to add non-federated, external collaborators to a Team.
- Caregivers are not able to chat with a guest via Teams outside of a meeting.
- Caregivers and non-federated external collaborators are not able to share files via Teams.
Please review the following resources for more details on the guest experience and collaborating outside PSJH. The FAQ, below, can be downloaded and shared with external collaborators.
If you regularly work with an external collaborator that is not currently Federated with PSJH, we recommend discussing becoming Federated with them and their organization. Please review the Federation information site to learn more. Another option is to request a PSJH Office 365 license for the external collaborator, but the cost of the license must be paid by the sponsoring PSJH department.
Additional opportunities to learn and ask questions
OneTeam Live!
Drop-in and ask a question about Outlook, SharePoint online, OneDrive, Yammer, or Teams.
Every Friday, Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
+1 509-904-0815
Conference ID: 622 833 92#
9:00-11:00 a.m. (PT)
For more information, visit the OneTeam site or email us at PSJHISOneTeam@providence.org.