The IS PPMO will be launching a monthly, dynamic project labor tracking report built with Power BI on May 13. This report will give core leaders better visibility into unapproved timecards that prevent IS from being fully reimbursed for labor spent on project work.
As a reminder, Power BI is part of our Modern Workplace suite and all caregivers have access to it. We’ve seen some significant improvements to our labor auditing process.
Our current process for making sure we were accurately capturing labor hours for IS projects involved:
- Manual steps to produce a spreadsheet of data weekly
- Emails to an extensive distribution list every Wednesday
- Late notices via ServiceNow every Tuesday
These time-consuming weekly audits and ServiceNow reminders were not as effective as we hoped, resulting in additional manual work to capture labor later.
Starting May 13, Power BI connected to ServiceNow will automatically pull in up–to–the–minute data and generate scheduled reports (subscription) to automatically notify leaders once a month of:
- Any unapproved timecards from the previous month that will not be captured in the labor sweep
- The estimated dollar impact on the operational budget of missing timecards
By automating unapproved timecard notifications via an easier user interface that provides a financial perspective, we hope to significantly reduce the number of unapproved timecards.
Garrett Roseborough, data analytics principal, and Michelle Kroeker, Sr. PPMO business analyst, were instrumental in this process modernization, along with Deb Storms, PPMO business analyst.