Upcoming Microsoft ‘Excite Days’ Go Virtual

In response to system requests that in-person trainings for our caregivers be re-scoped to virtual sessions, due to COVID-19 concerns, we’re changing the format of our upcoming Microsoft “Excite Days.”

Originally planned as in-person trainings at Portland’s Lloyd Center, Irvine’s Park Place, St. Joseph Hospital Orange, and St. Mary Medical Center in Apple Valley, in March, IS will now host virtual sessions held via Microsoft Teams live events.

The good news about our shift to virtual “Excite events” is that we’re now able to offer this valuable Teams and Office 365 training with Microsoft partners to caregivers beyond the originally-targeted Portland and Southern California locations.

We’re sharing with relevant O365-migrated caregivers via system newsletters, but please encourage any others asking for pointers (or if you just need a refresher yourself!) to join us for a 90-minute learning session hosted Microsoft trainers and learn how to:

  • Create and join a team.
  • Start a conversation.
  • Make video and audio calls.
  • Schedule and join a meeting.
  • Share a file
  • Much more!

See the upcoming “Excite events” from March 12 to March 20 and the links to join.

More Teams and O365 resources

Visit the OneTeam Learning Portal for self-guided, on-demand, and instructor-led education on the Modern Workplace applications.

Drop in on the weekly OneTeam Live call held every Friday, 9:00-11:00 a.m. (PT).