SJH Caregivers Migrate to PSJH O365 This Weekend: What It Means for Email and Box

As part of PSJH’s effort to consolidate our collaboration tools into a best-in-breed tool set called OneTeam, legacy SJH and Covenant Health caregivers will be migrated onto the PSJH Office 365 (O365) tenant.

This migration won’t affect legacy Providence caregivers’ emails or SharePoint, but legacy SJH caregivers will experience changes and may not receive your emails between a certain, after-hours time frame. After the migration, all shared service caregiver will more easily be able to collaborate on documents, see each others’ calendars, and experience fewer firewall issues.

Email will be down at legacy SJH and Covenant Dec. 14-17

If you work with a caregiver or team at legacy St. Joseph Health or Covenant Health, please be aware that they may not receive an email from you if you send it after 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Friday evening, Dec. 14 through 6:00 a.m. (PT), Monday morning, Dec. 17. This is because those users are migrating to the PSJH O365 “tenant” where we currently reside. Legacy SJH users will not receive notice of your email nor a delayed delivery, and you will receive a delivery failure notice.

OneDrive cloud storage arrives while document collaboration tool Box will begin to sunset after Dec. 17

This migration means that all Shared Services caregivers who are on O365 will be available to collaborate on documents in one, shared environment. As part of the OneTeam initiative with IS, OneDrive has been chosen as the new document collaboration storage platform for shared services. You need to be migrated to O365 to use the platform currently.

If you currently collaborate on documents in Box (also known as FileHub) with legacy St. Joseph Health or Covenant Health caregivers, please ensure you update the hyperlinks you use to share these files with the new hyperlinks generated in OneDrive. Please review any procedures that need to be augmented to accommodate these new hyperlinks. The old Box hyperlinks will not redirect automatically.

Once your account is slated to sunset, you will receive an email with details about the sunset along with a user guide on how to use OneDrive. Files currently on Box are syncing with OneDrive. Once your Box account is turned off, the files will remain on OneDrive. Users will receive a separate email notifying them when their Box account will no longer be available, with the first group of user accounts expiring December 28, 2018.


  • Review FAQ on Box transition
  • Review this document from Risk and Integrity regarding the proper use of OneDrive


Questions not answered with the resources above can be directed to or your local IS team.