Preparing to Transition Select Caregivers to Teams Calling

Across PSJH, Shared Services caregivers, such as those in Renton, Irvine and regional system offices, with dedicated phone numbers (or extensions off a main line) will transition to Microsoft Teams for voice calls in the first half 2020.

A proof of concept began in mid-December 2019, with TEO program operations being the first team to test Teams Calling as early adopters. Next, all of TEO, then all of IS will begin using Teams Calling instead of their traditional desk phones for voice calls in the February to March timeframe.

Moving PSJH to Teams Calling will standardize voice calling systems across locations and reduce the numbers local carrier services and costs we manage. While it might take adjustment for some traditionalists, Teams Calling will actually ease the way for our caregivers by using a single voice calling solution that is integrated into their Microsoft productivity suite and contacts.

Call centers, such as IS Service Desk and nurse hotlines, as well as clinical caregivers, individual ministry/clinic locations, and switchboards, are all out of scope and will continue to utilize traditional phones (Cisco/Finesse, Avaya, etc.) for voice calling.

More information to help prepare