Windows 10 Upgrades Accelerate

We are kicking off our accelerated migration from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Caregivers can expect to be notified that their workstations will be upgraded in one of three ways:

  • Early-November 2019 Manual In-Place Upgrades – A desktop technician will schedule an appointment to manually upgrade the caregiver’s workstation to Windows 10.
  • Mid-November 2019 Remote Deployments – Caregivers will receive an email notification advising that their workstation will receive a remote deployment of Windows 10 along with scheduled upgrade date.
  • Q1 2020 Workstation Replacements – A desktop technician will schedule an appointment to replace the caregiver’s workstation, if it is determined that the workstation doesn’t meet Windows 10 hardware requirements.

Why is this happening?

Microsoft will no longer offer support for Windows 7 as of January 2020. With this transition to Windows 10, we will stay in compliance with security updates, and allow for more efficient software deployment and support. In addition, we’ll be able to take advantage of the advanced capabilities of our Modern Workplace collaboration and Office applications currently being deployed across PSJH.

What will caregivers need to do?

Impacted caregivers are being asking to leave their computer running and save any work in progress on the day of the upgrade. The upgrade will take several hours. During this time the machine will not be available.

Once the migration has occurred, we’re asking them to test the application and report issues to a Windows 10 triage bridge line we’ve set up.

More information

For more information, visit the OneTeam site or email us at