Day 1 Onboarding Initiative Provides a Better, More Standardized Access Provisioning Model

PSJH CIO B.J. Moore has shared how “Day 1” onboarding and the complex, non-standardized approach to how access to our network and applications gets provisioned across the PSJH system has been a consistent pain point heard during his first six months on the job.

We’ve shared that this was one key area of “service recovery” work IS has been focused on with our consulting partners and now the Day 1 Onboarding Initiative to improve this experience for our new caregivers and their hiring managers is deploying the improved process on July 29, 2019.

The current access provisioning model at PSJH contributes to vastly varied Day 1 experiences for various caregivers, impacting their productivity, experience and increasing potential security risks. Three pilot groups were identified to be focused on for proof of concept. The three groups are: students, CareLink affiliates, and Sacred Heart Medical Center and Holy Family General Nurses (job code 45000). The IS Identity & Access Management (IAM) team and others through the organization have been working on this project since May to identify “Day 1 birthright applications” for in-scope populations, facilitate removal of impediments, and define further opportunities for automating the application access provisioning process.

Today, new hires do not consistently have access to all the applications necessary to be productive on Day 1, and time to provision varies by individual and by application team. The new process will provide Day 1 access to necessary applications, provisioning access based on the new hire’s job role/persona provided the mapping is per enterprise standard in SailPoint. IAM will collect feedback via surveys and will help us measure progress against benchmarks.

Providing consistent Day 1 access to productivity tools is the impetus for Sacred Heart and Holy Family General Nurses being among the first caregivers to be part of the clinical rollout of Office 365. New caregivers will have OneDrive, instead of “old style” personal network drives and use the new “first name.last name“-style user ID format instead of the P/N-numbers from the time of their initial onboarding.

More information

See the Day 1 Onboarding Initiative FAQ.

Please reach out to Kimberly Carrosino, Exec. Director, IAM, with additional questions.