Our annual Summer Mission Raffle is open and will remain open through Friday, Aug. 9. As of August 1, we have raised just over $8,400. Thank you to those who have generously donated. As BJ said at the July Open Forum, our Mission Raffle fundraising goal is $10,000.
Click here to purchase your raffle tickets. Simply select ‘Providence Summer Social’ from the ‘My donation is for’ dropdown menu. For every $5 dollars donated, you’ll receive one entry to the raffle. For example, your $20 donation equals 4 entries.
The IS & RESO executive team has donated fun raffle prizes, from tents to ice cream makers, museum memberships to electronics. Visit the Summer Raffle SharePoint site to check out prizes and make your donation for a chance to win.
Funds raised go directly to Complex Care, an Alaska-based organization that provides emergency shelter for the elderly and adults with complex medical conditions experiencing homelessness. Kelly Mullin, Complex Care community engagement manager, and Jessie Talivaa, Complex Care director, joined our July 17 IS & RESO Open Forum to discuss and humanize the needs they’re meeting in Alaska for a very vulnerable population. Listen to their 10-minute segment here.
Thank you for your generous support of our Mission!