As shared in our last RESO Update, RESO Leadership is looking to move the project cash flows into eBuilder by July 31st. Thank you for all those that participated in our live training sessions last month and looking forward to seeing you at our Office Hours.
Thank you for those that have entered their cash flows in eBuilder. As of July 3, the transition of cash flows into eBuilder is currently at 19% system wide, with the details by region shown below. Again, our goal is to have all Project Cash Flows in eBuilder by July 31st!
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesdays from 11am-12pm PT
Recording of last month’s training session can be found here:
The RESO Guide to eBuilder cash flows is available and includes detailed instructions on the use of the cash flow module:
All DCMs and RESO Finance team members should have received an invite to the office hours. If you have not received them, please email to be included in the office hours.
We appreciate everyone’s support to streamline the cash flow process!
For questions please email: