Dear RESO team,
This week, BJ and I, along with other RESO and IS leaders, are traveling across northern California, touring Petaluma Valley Hospital, Santa Rosa Memorial, Healdsburg Hospital and Queen of the Valley. We are meeting with fellow RESO and IS caregivers and participating in ministry leadership meetings. Our focus is to highlight the great work our teams are doing and to look at how we can continue to Simplify, Modernize, and Innovate.

As I shared in my last note, we have released the MBF (maintenance/break/fix) capital to move forward on 138 projects, focusing on the needs of non-acute clinics. Our investment this year for non-acute MBF is significantly larger than we have seen in recent years, and it gives us the opportunity to take care of some lingering issues and support our clinics. The Divisions are finalizing the next capital priorities to support the acute care environment and we’ll have news soon about projects in the hospitals.
I want to congratulate Omar Castro, Tina Landeros, and their team members for completing the Providence Business Challenge (PBC). PBC is a 6-month, cohort-based growth experience designed to accelerate readiness for executive leadership. This accomplishment marks a significant milestone in broadening their horizons beyond their usual specialties in Environmental Services (EVS) and engaging deeply with the complex and evolving landscape of healthcare business challenges. Their team focused on enhancing patient education, a critical area that directly impacts patient care and outcomes. Projects are designed to generate impactful business outcomes, encourage fresh thinking, and enhance mission-inspired leadership. This achievement reflects their team’s commitment to personal and professional development, showcasing an impressive ability to contribute significantly to our collective future success. Congratulations again to Omar, Tina, and their teams! Thank you, Asif Khattak, for sharing this remarkable accomplishment!
Let’s continue celebrating each other’s successes by submitting nominations to RESO Excellence to be shared across the organization.
Thank you for everything you do to make RESO a positive force at Providence. I’m proud of the ways RESO supports our Mission and appreciate your hard work and dedication.
Mike Denney