RESO Finance is pleased to announce additional support and some changes to their organization. Please see below for the latest finance structure if you need any support:
To learn more about our RESO Finance team, please view our 24-0125 RESO Finance Team Introductions.pptx or visit our RESO Finance and Data & Analytics – Home ( site.
A note from Richard Patchett, Finance Director
I want to thank all of RESO for your continued patience as we navigated through a difficult year end close process, along with many ongoing enhancements that are being implemented system wide in Genesis! Jeremy and I continue to identify key areas of focus we will look to tackle in 2024 to ensure we are meeting the business requirements being asked of us by Divisional and System leaders. Our goal is to help ease the way of our caregivers while bringing standardization and automation to help transform RESO to be a world class leader in the healthcare build environment. We look forward to connecting with you more soon!
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Director, Finance