Over 1,700 caregivers joined virtually for the November Open Forum.
For those who missed the November 16 Open Forum, a summary of highlights, link to the slide deck, and recording are below. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the next Open Forum on Tuesday, December 12.
November’s Open Forum Highlights
- BJ welcomed all IS & RESO caregivers to our November Open Forum and Karina Jennings, IS & RESO Mission leader, provided the reflection focused on taking care of yourself.
- BJ’s update
- Thank you to the 81% of IS & RESO caregivers who took the time to participate in the Caregiver Experience Survey.
- Hybrid Open Forum in Lubbock, TX last month was great.
- Happy National Nurse Practitioner Week!
- Venessa Torres, IS & RESO chief human resources officer, dove deep into our Employee Engagement Survey results, acknowledging our strengths as an organization and recognizing areas of focus.
- Our “Year of Human Connection” will continue through 2024 with additional virtual round table topics. Please let Renee Wells know if you have ideas for gathering as a group.
- Congratulations to Sunee Shoup, EVS tech, 45 years with Providence, and Agustin Rodriguez, facilities technician, 40 years with Providence.
- The nominating period for Q4 SMIle Awards is now open. SMIle Awards honor caregivers who exemplify our Mission, values, and IS & RESO strategy of Simplify, Modernize, and Innovate, while leading with excellence.
- Mike Denney, GVP, Real Estate Strategy & Operations (RESO), shared the work RESO is doing to establish and track cost savings, as well as caregiver engagement schedule.
- TEO leaders Pete Mickelonis, senior manager of service engineering, shared more about the implementation of Easy Pass with a special clinical perspective provided by Dr. Johnny Do, SoCal hospitalist. Zach Aaron, director of service engineering, shared progress on our enterprise print transition.