Healthcare Intelligence Will Decommission the Amalga Databases

Healthcare Intelligence (HI) will decommission the St. Joseph Health (SJH) Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) Amalga on-premises databases on December 29, 2022.

The SJH Meditech to Epic conversion was completed in March 2022 with the Epic go-live for the Texas region. HI is continuing the process of sunsetting the SJH Meditech-integrated Amalga system. The Amalga Unified Intelligence System (UIS) user interface was sunset on July 15 and related Crystal Reporting will sunset on July 30. The next phase is decommissioning the Amalga on-premises databases.

Action Item 

If you or your business stakeholders use the SJH Amalga EDW and have not already contacted the HI Tornado team working on Amalga sunset, please contact Rachel Chen by September 1, 2022. 

If any Amalga data are critical for your business, please reach out and the team can analyze the feasibility of migrating it to the Cloud Data Warehouse (CDW) or providing an alternate approach. Data will be migrated to the CDW only upon user request.


Amalga is currently unsupported and running on aging servers. It cannot be upgraded onto our modern platforms, so it is an operational and security risk to its resident data. The support for its legacy servers stops in 2023, and you should move from old legacy systems to new existing solutions now available at Providence. 

More info  

If you have questions, please email Rachel Chen, executive director, engineering.