IS Caregivers May Still Try Windows 11 Early

OneTeam continues to offer IS caregivers the opportunity to be part of the Early Adopter Program for Windows 11. Through the program, IS caregivers can obtain early access to the Windows 11 operating system (OS) and assist TEO in understanding the caregiver experience with the new OS before we launch Providence-wide.

When is this happening?

From February 14 to May 13, 2022, IS caregivers may participate in the pilot by sending a request to join the Early Adopter Program. Upon validation that the caregiver’s device is compatible with Windows 11, the update will be made available for installation.

What to expect?

This is a voluntary program that requires IS caregivers to opt in. If a caregiver joins the Early Adopter Program, here is what to expect:

  • Caregivers must request access to Early Adopter Program (IS Only)
  • Devices will be verified to ensure they meet Windows 11 minimum requirements.
  • Windows 11 automated install will be initiated, and update instructions will be provided.
  • Caregivers agree to provide feedback on their experience with Windows 11 and document any issues.
  • As with any new software deployment, our goal is to provide the best caregiver experience. During this program, should functionality issues prevent the caregiver from performing their duties, a rollback to Windows 10 option will be available.

More info

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